Cold Plate Jockey Box Question

I’m just wondering. Based on a lot of manuals I’m reading, coil-style jockey boxes usually have water and ice with the coil submerged. However, cold plates are only supposed to be submerged in ice. Why is this?

I’m assuming it’s that if there was water, the bottom of the cold plate might touch the bottom of the cooler and not get as much cold-temp surface area. Or is there another reason? thanks!

I think it’s more that you need to have water with coils. Ice is often way below freezing and I’ve seen beer freeze in coils surrounded by only ice. Liquid water guarantees or won’t stop below 32F.

With a cold plate it doesn’t matter because the metal is much thicker. Some of the ice melts before the plate gets too cold.

ah, that makes sense. appreciate the help!

I always use only ice with no water with our coil based jockey boxes and have never had the beer freeze. But then again we don’t leave it standing long between refills.