Comments on cream ale recipe

Just throwing this out there to see what people think.  I’m not a big fan of corn in beer so I’m using rice flakes instead.  I’m not a huge fan of lighter beers either and like my IPA’s, porters and stouts, but I’ve been requested to make an introductory beer for friends and family that might not be able to appreciate the finer beers.

OG: 1.051
IBU: 17.2
Color: 3.6
Est ABV: 5.2%
Batch size 6 gal

5 lbs Pale Malt
4 lbs Pilsner
2 lbs Rice, flaked
1.10 oz Willamette - 60 min (4.3%)
0.75 oz Willamette - 5 min (4.3%)

90 min boil, mash at 150
Ferment 2 weeks at 62.
Rogue Pacman yeast - mainly because I have it on hand, but its also highly attenuating, floculant and pretty neutral and clean.  Have used it in the past with IPA’s, APA’s and stouts with good success. 
Keg and carb at 2.6

If you’re calling it a cream ale, I think it needs a touch of corn (maybe 1lb).  But as a blond ale, it looks ok. I’d bump the hops up to 20 or so but I like a bit more bitterness.
I know you’re working with what you have but I’d try a Kolsch.  Intro taste but craft quality.

There’s a local Kolsch style (Intuition Jon Boat) that is at 20 IBU and that seems to be just bitter enough to be called bitter.

Thanks for the comments.  I think I’ll add a pound of corn as suggested.  I’ll stick with the pacman yeast this time just to keep it relatively clean.  Or, I could split the batch and try one with Kolsh and one with pacman and see which one I like better.  ;D