Conditioning blood orange cider

I am looking for a little help or advice, I have a blood orange cider that is in my primary right now and has been there for 2 weeks.  I found a recipe for a cider using orange juice and followed it so far. I started with 1-1/2 gal of juice and added water to make 5 gal, it called for 4# of sugar and  I used a champagne yeast in it. I have it cooking along at 68 degrees and it is running great.  My O.G. was 1.050.  My question is that it calls for another pound of sugar at conditioning, and before we get into a discussion of what a cider is, I am concerned that much more sugar will cause the bottles to over condition and explode.

Any thoughts?

I would recommend taking a final gravity, then using a priming calculator to determine the amount of sugar needed to carbonate. I have had good success with the Brewers friend one. 1 pound sounds like too much sugar.