I want to thank everyone that ran for this year’s AHA Governing Committee election.
By doing so, they demonstrated their desire to serve the greater homebrewing community. The candidate statements made it is clear that they already do this in a number of ways. From organizing and/or judging homebrew competitions, providing leadership to their local clubs, actively working to change onerous legislation to improve the legislative climate for homebrew legislation, providing retail opportunities for homebrewers and a myriad of other ways, they demonstrate their commitment.
In their candidate statements they shared their life experiences and how they could benefit the AHA GC. From relevant technical experience and/or skill sets they have picked up over the years, Boards they have sat on, jobs they have held, charities they support, leadership skills they have demonstrated, they explained why they were running and what they felt they could contribute.
Collectively, all of them demonstrated their passion for the hobby and those involved. Along with the explosive growth in both the hobby of homebrewing and the craft brewing community, we have enjoyed an unprecedented slate of candidates filled with depth and experience. It is unfortunate that we couldn’t bring all of them on board and tap the collective wisdom and experience that they all bring to the table.
Debbie Cerda and Ron Price, welcome to the AHA GC; Denny Conn– welcome back.
And to, Bruce Bueger, Terry Denham Dave Dixon, David Kidd, Terry Parker and Curt Stock - thank you for offering to serve on the AHA GC this year, and keep doing all the good things you do for the hobby and its community!
Thanks to everyone who voted for me in this election! Without all of you I wouldn’t be here and I really appreciate that. I’m honored to be a part of this very distinguished group of GC members. I look forward to working with the GC in an effort to make a positive impact. Thanks again for all of your support!
I’m happy to be back and do whatever I can to make this hobby as fulfilling as possible for everyone. I’m also kinda glad I’m term limited after this…9 years is a long time!