cooler shape/size/mash temperature control

Going back to all-grain after long break. Want to go for small batches - 1, 2 or 3 gallons. Thinking of cooler for tun - round instead of flat? Size for a small batch process? Would really like to have mash temp control this time around - found Mashmaster but it’s Aussie and wired wrong although the design and specs would be what I’ve got in mind. Anything like this in Canada or U.S? If nothing available - how about alternatives? Immersible coil but what would work in a round cooler or does the coil restrict design to a flat box cooler? Not ready to automate but would definitely want to be able to control the temperature. Hot water additions in an unheated tun can be unreliable and step mashing can be a real hassle. If the equipment fits, sparge easier on round cooler? Affects choice of size of cooler? Advice please, including relevant articles or other documentary material references.

I have a 2-gallon round drink cooler with a spigot at the bottom that I use to do 1-gallon batches.  It works really well.

It’s not temp controlled at all though.

I don’t see a problem getting a coiled IM device in a round cooler. On the other hand, if you are talking about using the coil in the mash tun for heat transfer, that will be much more challenging. A mash at the typical 1.5 qts. per lb of grain ratio is an inherently poor conductor of heat. If, on the other hand, you are talking about constructing a HERMS system and recirculating the wort through the coil that’s located in another heating vessel, then that should work just fine.  HTH