Hey all,
I’ve been lurking for a while and finally had a question to ask that I can’t find the answer to. I’m a relative n00b (7 or 8 batches since last Thanksgiving) and have used batch priming and bottle priming just about equally. The last batch I brewed (a robust porter) I decided to try out the Cooper’s Carb Drops. Mainly due to a small case of laziness. I’ve read tons of posts about experiences, good and bad, and I get it. Everyone’s different. My question concerns the actual volume of CO2 in a beer that is carbed with the drops. Does anyone know the actual amount of fermentables in one of the drops so that the volume can be calculated? Or, is there anyone out there in the magical land of brew that knows the answer off the top of their head? I giddily anticipate any answers…
Couldn’t you just weigh them?
But how do you know that they contain 100% fermentables? Only one of several reasons I avoid them.
They are supposedly designed to give you approximately 2-2.5 volumes of CO2 in a 12 oz bottle when conditioned at room temperature.
Good to know. Thanks a bajillion!