Cranberry Lambic

I am planning on brewing my first lambic shortly, a Cranberry Lambic (5G batch). Any recommendations for a recipe? I am tentatively looking to keep it simple:

6 lbs Six row pale malt
3 lbs Unmalted Red Wheat
1 lb Dark Munich Malt
2 oz Willamette (vintage 2007)
Wyeast 3942 Belgian Wheat

I have some rice hulls, not too sure how much open, but plan to add some to compensate for the large quantity of wheat. Probably going to try to do a turbid mash with full array of rests and shoot for a high mash temp (155 degrees) for the main mash, I’m a sucker for the traditional methods (even if they aren’t needed with the grains available now). I’m going to add the cranberries and a Lambic Blend or Roeselare Ale Blend to the secondary. Fermenting in plastic the whole time.

Any suggestions would be appreciated…

We did a turbid mash Lambic back in June.

Pretty much followed the article from BYO’s August 2008 issue.

A few things:

Rice hulls are really essential (at least with my system) but they did improve run-off.
Maybe have them on stand-by?

I would only worry about the liquor/grist ratios at the turbid pulls, other than that if its off by a little no worries.
Have a pot of boiling water for your infusions and stir, stir, stir then check the temperature before adding more water.

The turbid pull will scorch/burn easily! Keep this in mind as you heat it to 190. Next time we’ll have a piece of plate steel to use as a heat disperser.
We did a three + hour boil on ours. It is currently sitting in a wine barrel bubbling away.

Good luck with it, recipe looks fine to me. Maybe go with a little Vienna over the Munich?

Get the fresh or flash frozen cranberries and freeze them (to burst the cells), and then macerate/puree them.

Adding to the boil drives off a lot of the aroma and sets the pectin (which causes haze)–this can be alleviated by using pectinase (enzyme) in the fermenter or by just waiting until the kettle cools down to around 160 F (don’t have my books around–check the temp, but I think it has to be above 140 F) and tossing them in to help sanitize them w/o setting the pectin.

I made a cranberry and brown sugar altbier with dried cranberries that I soaked in water, boiled, and pureed.  Good/different.  Going the fresh/frozen route should be easier.

Thanks, haven’t used Vienna yet, so may try. Was planning on using frozen berries, never thought about sanitizing them, so I may pasturize as suggested. I have Jul/Aug 08 and was planning on using that schedule.