Custom Tap Handles

Where can we get custom tap handles made, at a reasonable price.

Have you tried Etsy? Tons of stuff there…


They’re easy to make yourself although I realize that’s kind of a whole different hobby.  I have been making them for years and BYO had me do an article on making them.  I’m not a great woodworker but you don’t really have to be.

I buy pieces of pine, oak or poplar at a big box store, pencil out the design, cut them, sand them, drill a hole in the bottom and insert & glue a piece of threaded rod in there that’s the size that will fit a chrome ferrule (available at many places like Beverage Factory, Kegworks, etc).  Paint it, design a label that’s as simple or complex as you like, fasten it onto the tap handle and then seal it with a clear spray sealant.  I must have 60 or so handles.

Jerryswoodworks on etsy

Very nice! I’m impressed! A nice addition to any bar, for sure.

Nice project but I am a bit lazy in that department.

I have tap handles here in which I can interchange labels.  Got them years ago from MoreBeer, IIRC.  Jut looked for them on several sites and could no longer find them.  They had a plexiglass window at the top of the handle that you could put different labels in for different beers.  Made my life way easier.

Here is a picture of them.

Working on a design…copied Kona Longboard Lager on the style. Plus just made one up!

We had those exact same cabinets in our kitchen before the addition/remodel.  Seeing them in your house made me chuckle.  :slight_smile:


They were originally in our kitchen.  Not very robust but they did the job until we redid the kitchen 10 or so years ago.  Now this one stores beer glasses in the keezer room!

I like to placard over existing pulls w/ some relevance to the beer created.  That said, I was gifted the 40’s Pabst’s Blue Ribbon pull for Xmas. I like it.

Cool…I really like that PBR handle!
Here is the final design we came up with (thanks to Ken from Chicago) for Bel Air Brewing:

Nice looking tap handle!

[emoji106] schweeeeet!

Not a Belair, just a 210.  A never ending story on the build.

Way cool! Our name actually came from a '57 Chevy Bel Air, which we owned, and then sold to a good friend who is also a brewing partner. V8, dual exhaust, Power-Pack.

And here is our latest revision…

Just got these in. Very pleased!!!
