Danby mini-fridge kegerator stopped working

My trusty mini-fridge kegerator of several years has suddenly stopped working. Plugged into the wall, but it’s not running, thus not keeping my beer cold  :cry:

I’ve reset the gfci outlet and replugged it in to no effect. There ends my troubleshooting skills with appliances. It one of the basic Danby’s (model DAR044A28LDD - fridge only), which I converted by putting a tower on it and has worked w/out issue for several years.

Is there something as simple a fuse to replace? Has anyone else successfully resolved a non-running state or have suggestions on where to look next?

Thanks in advance!

  • Ryan

Specifically to this unit I do not know but generally there is no fuse or similar simple fix.  The compressor is the only real moving part that fails.  Coolant leakage is the other but then the unit continues to operate just without cooling.

First make sure that it really is not working.  I once thought my new mini fridge had failed. I could not get it to turn on and the interior was not cold.  turned the temp down.  Unplugged and replugged. Then I realized it was in a defrost cycle. I just had to wait for it to complete.

There is a thermal relay that blows on them. I think it’s a 4.7k ohm resistor. If you have a multimeter you can test it by reading the output of the relay going to the compressor. If the fridge is calling for the compressor and there’s no juice coming out, then the relay is shot. Had it happen to me. Here’s the relay.


Thanks guys! unfortunately, not a simple ‘reset’ like brew inspector01 suggested, but those relays are cheap enough to try even w/out a voltmeter to verify, so will give those a try.

Will report my results when I get them in ~1 week

Welp, neither a ‘reset’ on the temp, nor replacing the relay got her to fire up again  :cry: , so guessing it’s a compressor failure at this point. Is there any value it attempting to replace that vs. just getting a new fridge?

If the latter, what brand\model are people buying these days for mini-fridge conversions? Seems like model availability changes every year…

Everything is repairable. If the repair cost is under 50% of a new unit, repair it. Someone just gave me a Danby single tower unit that didn’t work. We pulled the circuit board and a transformer was shorted. $45 got a $600 unit back on line.

If you can open it up, apply 120 volts directly to the compressor and fan components, it’s easy, just bypass the circuit board (which is to tried into the temp control). If it powers up then it’s a board problem. If not you may have a compressor issue. In that case, take it to a local car A/C shop and they can run a test.

In your case thought, I’m guessing a circuit board issue. Compressors generally last a long tine.

The neighbor across the street from me put out his wine refrigerator with a “free” sign.  I plugged it in.  The temperature display worked but the compressor didn’t start.  I noticed the relay on the top of the compressor looked discolored.  I pulled it out, took it apart put it back together and it ran after that.  A new relay was only $7 on Amazon so rather than have the relay fail again (potentially start a fire?) I bought a new relay.  The fridge runs like new.

I’ve thought about asking the neighbor to come over for some wine, but decided that’d be bad form.

I have the same problem, I bought a big fridge, just for wine and other drinks. Although the second fridge from the same site https://www.bestadvisor.com/side-by-side-refrigerator has been working for 3 years and everything is fine

I like putting in a little time and ca$h to fix free stuff. I recently revived a generator that sat for 4+ yrs by cleaning the fuel tank, changing the oil, and replacing the carburetor and magneto. ~ $60 for a 5550 watt generator ain’t bad.

Does anybody remember the old Our Gang episode where the kids have a band in the recording studio?  When one of the kids clashes the cymbals together, the sound engineer’s hair sticks straight out.  In the best situation, that’s all that would happen to me if I tried something like taking apart and repairing any kind of fridge.  My kegerator is the fridge I got when I cleaned out my mom’s house.  My fermentation fridge is a mini-fridge I got off Craig’s List for $40.  I recently saw an estate sale with a Sanyo mini-fridge they wanted $30 for.  Its only issue was ice build up in the freezer section.  Alternatives are out there for those of us who are technologically challenged.

The component with the temperature control setting can also fail which is another easy but slightly more expensive fix.

But I think you’re right that if you lack expertise or interest in repairing appliances it is probably not worth your time to buy parts and replace hoping you get lucky. Mini-fridges are not terribly expensive and you can find them and pre-built kegerators used for probably less than you will spend guessing your way through a repair.

I have a Haier and an EdgeStar. The Haier is bigger but frosts over and the temperature control isn’t great. (I use this one for carbonated water and backup fridge storage.) The EdgeStar is a little nicer but smaller inside. I have it hooked to an external temperature control but mechanically it seems better built than the Haier.