Dark Cloudy Mead 3 months in

I put together a batch in early August with L47 & Wildflower Honey. I did a SNA, monitored the pH, and reached my target final gravity of 1.010. I just tapped some today 13 weeks from brew day and the mead’s hazy and brown.

Do you guys think this is from the residual honey (this is my first mead I put enough honey in to get above 1.000), not ageing long enough (my first mead under a year old), infection, or some other issue? No off flavours or smells I can detect.

Can’t speak to the dark, but the cloudy can probably be cleaned up with bentonite.

Was it the first pull off the keg and was it in the keg the whole 13 weeks?  If so, you may have just pulled off what settled.

If not, you can hit it with some Superkleer (2 part clarifier).  Here’s a mead that I used Superkleer on:

I racked into the keg from the primary after about 6 weeks. Now it’s been in the keg for just shy of 2 months - I think you may be right on the settling. I left a sample out to take a gravity reading on and it seemed to have cleared out a good bit over night.

Previously I’ve bottled mead so the extra transfer from the secondary to bottling bucket probably left a bunch of the gunk behind sitting in my keg. I’ll probably give it some time to settle and pull from the bottom and see if that takes care of it.

Yeah, it’s surprising how something can look so clear but when allowed to sit, drops a bunch of junk to the bottom.  I’ve cut the dip tubes on all my kegs by an inch to help not pick up this stuff.  As long as you don’t disturb the keg, the junk should be gone within a glass or two.

Now it’s time to start your next mead ( past time actually :slight_smile: )

Darkness might just be the Honey.

If you kegged, and tapped the keg, you may be getting the sediment from the bottom.  One solution is to cut about 1" off the bottom of the diptube so you draw above the sediment.

Yup, that was most of it. It was still a lot hazier than my year old mead but quite serviceable. It all got kicked last night so it went over well.