Save your cabbage for sauerkraut!
This brew gets no stars. It is cloying Sweet with the phony ole cherry cough syrup flavors reminiscent of
childhood maladies.
Not even fit for cooking IMO. I would give it both thumbs down if I could.
Pours a reddish color with a thin ring of foam that does not last. Aroma of cherry cough drops.
Took a drink and had to cleanse my palate.
Wanted to toss it to the water recycle bin, but thought SHMBO may like it since we are opposite like that…
she tasted it and sure enough, said Don’t toss it, I’ll choke it down. Go figure…
Several hours later it sat there untouched so I set it free!
A really weird beer because the other Delerium beers are great (IMO).
Thanks for the review. I will pass on it if I see it.
One Belgian cherry beer I really like is Kasteel Rouge. Have you had that one? Any similarity?
I have not had that but thanks for the referral. May not find it in my lifetime here in BFE
I had one, but now I can’t remember if it was Tremens or Noel, I think Noel, and I wasn’t terribly impressed by it, but I honestly don’t remember much about it. I think I just had a sip of it. Just looked and whatever it was I didn’t log it on Untappd, so it was either before I started logging or really unimpressive. Maybe I haven’t actually had it and just thought I did? I was pretty sure, but now I’m doubting myself.
Sad to hear about the Red because I love cherry beers, especially Kriek.