I am planning upgrading my mash system doing step mashes with a RIMS tube (120v), i am not an electrician so i am looking for options for an already prebuilt pid controller or maybe ask for local help and build one for my self and save some money. Hope anyone can give me an advice on what is the best decision for my next investment, i have seen some interesting prebuilt controllers from auberins and brausupply, not sure if those are worth it with the price are sold. Cheers!
I bought the equipment for mine from Amazon , used the Inkbird controller, and old alarm panel box, a relay, one outlet, two switches for the outlets, a couple of inline fuzes, and a small switch for the controller. I used YouTube to research the build for the controller box, there are a lot of good videos and some even provide links to the wiring build. I bought the rims tube, temp well, and heating element from brewershardware.com.
Seems like the best option, i am also buying my rims tube and heating element from brewershardware, best option so far.
I use a Mypin TA4 controller and a 40A solid state relay (SSR). I mounted those in an external junction box with outlets on it and a cord to plug it in. I actually have 2 of these things, one is made for my brew system and the other is for a sous vide cooker (same function). Pretty simple, on the 240V version of the thing the twist lock connectors for the power cords were the most expensive thing.
I think all told I was into the 120V version of it for maybe 70 bucks. The 240V one was a bit more, maybe $120.
That looks really cheap compared to a prebuilt PID, i will look some tutorials and ask for help for building mine.
One thing to keep in mind is that the TA4 doesn’t have a way to let you set the power level manually, but the TD4 does. The TA4 always tries to automatically servo to the right temperature which doesn’t work well at the boil, since the boil over and simmer are about the same temperature. I incorporated a knob into mine that I could switch to, but if you aren’t electronically savvy then you will probably want one that you can also manually set.