First a quick introduction. I’m an American living in Brazil and I’ve been brewing for just over four years.
Now my question. I heard Jamil say that he breaks down the ball valve on his kettle and all its connections for every brew. (In the same show he admits he’s a bit anal.) Anyway, with that thing sitting right over the flame, do you all think this is really necessary? Wouldn’t running Oxyclean and iodophor through it at the end of every brewday do the trick? What do you all think?
I just went with a weld-less fitting and plan to only flush it. I think that o-ring will wear out too quickly, and I’m not afraid of infections or off-flavors. Far too flimsy as it is. Darn thing wiggles for crying out loud.
I admire JZ a great deal. However, even if I had a welded rig I wouldn’t undo it every batch. Not that anal. Kegs on the other hand, get torn down every use cause it’s so easy and practical. I keep both 11/16 and 7/8 wrenches in my kitchen drawer.
I don’t break down my ball valves regularly, but once in a while give them a good going over. Of course, if you have one-piece valves this doesn’t work. You need the 3-piece valves which come apart, rather than being unscrewed from the nipple IFSWIM. This is what I guess JZ is doing.
I don’t break mine down each time either, but do flush it really good and then take it all apart every 3 or 4 brews or whenever I think of it. Now that my brewery is shut down because of the tornado that ruined my house in June, I will take everything apart and clean really well before my next brew, I can’t wait to get back to brewing.