Does anyone have a good American Nut Brown Ale recipe?


I would really appreciate it if someone would be so kind as to post thier favorite nut brown ale recipe.  I am a BIG fan of New Holland’s Cabin Fever…

I have an Amnerican brown recipe that I really like that’s won some awards, but I dunno about the “nut” part.

Not a problem, I would really appreciate your recipe if you do not mind publishing it.


There are several in the wiki, a couple of them Denny’s: Site Not Found

An American Brown and an English Brown are pretty distinct, though. It’s probably best to sit down with a pint of Cabin Fever and a copy of the style guidelines and figure out which is closer to what you want.

My recipe is

8.5 or 9 lb 2 row
1 lb Crystal 120L
.5 lb Victory
.25 lb Chocolate

.5 oz Columbus @60 min
1 oz EKG @15 min
1 oz Williamette @5 min

American Ale yeast

Here’s the link to mine…

I looked on New hollands Website.

They say burnt carmel dark fruit and raisin flavors…Special B, English Dark Crystal, or C120 are likely here.
They say rye…so maybe a couple pounds of rye.
It has more of a malty sweet flavor so Id lean toward Maris Otter for the base.
English Chocolate is an obvious choice for the chocolate notes and color.
Roast—Victory perhaps?

Its atleast a start! Id try something like this(and I apologize I dont have a calculator in front of me for gravity and such.

6% alch

Shoot for an OG around 1.065 or so

Maris Otter 10-12 lbs
Rye Malt- 2 lbs or so
Victory Malt- 2 lbs or so
Chocolate Malt-3/4 lbs
English Dark Crystal- 1/2 lbs.

Maybe London ESB or West Yorkshire yeast. I dont remember the hop character much and havent had the beer in a while to even take a stab at it.