Regarding the detection of off-flavors, does having caffeine compromise your palette or make it hard to cleanse? I’ve heard this before, but want to know if it’s true and if anyone knows the science behind it? Anything else you shouldn’t have before testing for off-flavors? Any tips on cleansing your palette?
Sorry for all the questions, and thanks for any help!
Caffeine per se won’t wreck your palate, but strong flavors like in coffee can make you less sensitive to subtle flavors.
Generally, ANY strong flavored foods/drinks that overwhelm your taste buds should be avoided before judging. Hot peppers, rich/spicy foods like Indian or Thai can dull the senses.
One of the best palate cleansers I ever had was back about 6 or 7 years ago at 1st Round NHC judging. We were judging the Light Hybrids flight and someone entered a cream ale that had developed a very pronounced (but very clean) lactic acid contamination. Despite its low score as a Cream Ale, we kept it on the table for the rest of the round as a delicious palate cleanser. (We called it the Berliner Cream Ale.)
Plain crackers or plain white/French bread, and a bit of water seem to do the trick for me.
The idea is to mellow it all out and give your taste buds a break.
I would prefer not to have anything other than beer/water/crackers during judging, but since most competitions occur in the morning and I’m a computer programmer by profession - caffeine keeps me from killing people and is therefore mandatory.
I don’t think caffeine affects the palate. I always bring a toothbrush with me and brush (and rinse several times) prior to sitting at the judging table. One other thing I suggest to do the morning of the comp before you leave the house or hotel. Take a towel (cloth or paper) and clean your tongue. Even if you brushed it might surprise you the difference when that puppy is really clean.
great use for coffee at the judging table…
keep a small cup of coffee beans on the table & sniff them when you need to clear/reset your palate. works great.
I find that coffee ‘clouds’ my palate temporarily. I find that tea is more neutral.
Mark, I see that your legacy has resulted in this year’s Radegast award. Good work to you and your club!
I think it’s time to realize you have a problem, Drew… you’re addicted, man.