I was curious if gelatin clearing will work on a fermenter and still be able to self carbonate in the bottle after gelatin clearing
Yes. You can bottle condition just fine after using gelatin.
But I don’t understand the part of your heading about adding CO2.
Yes. Be careful not to get any of the settled gel into your bottling bucket. I use gel fining on almost every batch. I ferment extra beer just to make it easier to get my desired final volume without disturbing the sediment. If you suck up some setteled gel, its not the end of the world. It just doesnt re-settle very good. You may have floaties.
I crash in keg to avoid suck back nowadays , then add gelatin. I don’t have any trouble with sediment or floaties. I lose most of the first pint to the sediment, but it’s crystal clear and floatie-free after.
+1, works really well
But thats not bottle conditioning. I had one batch, gel fined in primary, accidentally disturbed primary while racking and sucked up just a little gelled sediment to bottling bucket. Every bottle had a tiny amount of tiny floating bits that would stay in suspension a long time. I cant say that is evidence enough to prove anything, but its what I attributed it to. I suspect that if there is spent gel present when you add sugar and referment, that the little gelatin globules aren’t as willing to sink as easy. No idea why.
Since I started gelatin fining, I have bottled 514 twelve oz. bottles. All have successfully carbonated. Also kegged 8 cornys with gas carbonation. Have had NO “floaties”. I gelatin fine in the primary at <38* F. I bottle and keg straight from the primary at lager temps. (30-35* F) and use “pump priming” for bottles. https://www.homebrewersassociation.org/forum/index.php?topic=23215.msg296546#msg296546
What type of primary vessel do you use with pump priming to avoid the bottling bucket?
Yep, my bad. I’m good for a brain fart now and then.
I use 6.5 gal. BigMouth PET carboys that I have installed drain valves with dip tubes. I believe Northern Brewer has come out with that option since I made them. It looks like you will have make the dip tube DIY.
Also, I use silicone tube from the valve to the bottle wand. Vinyl tube is too stiff when cold.
Thank you for sharing. I just started doing sours with my old/normal bucket and autosiphon, so I am in the market for a new bug free fermenter. A setup with valves might avoid the autosiphon purchase altogether.