Fellow SE Judges & US Mead Judges-
The registration page is open for the 2020 Domras Cup Mead Competition. The entry limit remains at 200 this year, so get your entries in asap. We return to the John W. Stevens Wetlands Education Center in Richmond Hill, GA for the competition, with our epic post-comp Oyster Roast/Low Country Boil, live entertainment, and of course lots of mead to judge. Please pass this on to any fellow mead lovers. This is a call for entries and judges. Keep in mind this is an amateur-only competition and not open to commercial entities.
22nd Annual Domras Cup Mead Competition
• Competition Date: Saturday, February 1, 2020.
• Entry window: Open now thru January 15, 2020 (but will likely reach limit soon).
Why enter?
We have a core group of certified mead judges to provide great feedback on your mead. Any size bottle is acceptable (meads will be served “blind” by our experienced stewards). We know your mead is a precious thing. You can send any number of bottles you want, but we do recommend a minimum of 24 ounces total - this could be one 750ml or larger, two of anything smaller (12-16 oz.), and two if carbonated to ensure a fresh bottle for the BOS round. Due to the size of many subcategories, we have found that three 12 ounces bottles (again, especially if carbonated) is best since many subcategories also have a mini-BOS round. Ribbons and lots of great prizes to winners and volunteers. The cost is $10 per entry. We are also the first competition in the AMMA’s National Meadmaker of the Year series for 2020 and a member of the SE Homebrewer Association series.
Why join us to judge/steward?
We can use certified judges and mead aficionados for judging and stewarding. We have a dozen local certified mead judges, but always need help. Each volunteer will get an etched Domras wine tasting glass or some other local swag. Drawings for a door prize or two will be in order. Breakfast will be available before we start and snacks in between. Immediately following judging, we hold our epic post-party and Oyster Roast/Low Country Boil that is a event not to be missed, so if interested in helping to judge or steward, please sign up on the registration page and come join us. We generally try to finish in one round though a few folks may have to do two smaller rounds. BOS should start by early afternoon.
With the larger field of entries, we will hold preliminary judging rounds. Therefore, all entries must be received by January 15. Entries not received (and paid for) by this date shall not be judged. Sorry, but we can no longer accept our day-of entries as we have done in the past. An email will go out once the entry limit is reached to any who have not paid for their entries to have them do so. If entries remain unpaid (or if we don’t receive a response from the entrant), the slots will be cleared, the system will be opened up again and remain open until the entry limit is again reached.
We will also hold our beer “beauty pageant” competition for charity. After sampling, drop a dollar(s) in the bag for your favorite beer of choice. Funds raised will go to a local charity. BRING DOLLARS (or fives or tens!) and drink to give (er give to drink).
For more information please visit the SBL website at http://competition.savannahbrewers.com/
If you plan to enter, do so quickly as space is limited. If you plan to judge, also please go to the webpage and register through the domras site so we will be able to plan accordingly.