I’m planning on giving my 5th generation WLP090 pitch a last hurrah by brewing a IIPA. I love this yeast for more rounded/soft APAs and IPAs and have enjoyed every beer I’ve made with it. This pitch is ready to rock right now so I figure I’ll go for a big IIPA. Looking for something that’s a bit on the pine/spicy/resin side for hops with big bitterness rather than rounded/fruity/tropical (using up the 3 oz of Chinook sitting in the freezer would be an added bonus). Malt bill I’m not sure about at all although I just put in an order for a sack of MO for some future bitters brewing so using some of that on this grain bill would be another added bonus. I’ve never brewed a IIPA before so any other tips/advice would be more than welcome.
If you are looking for big, sharp bitterness then I might use some of that chinook as your bittering hop. I also recently tried a single hop pale ale from Green Flash that used Pacific Gem hops and it had a level of spicyness that I haven’t experienced before, and that’s a good thing!
The biggest thing for me is to get a beer that’s dry enough to drink more than one of. Way too many IIPAs for my tastes end up like American Barleywine. I mash low (149F/90 mins) and use a lb of sugar to help dry the finish. I also limit crystal to ~ 6 oz of C40 in 5 gallons to avoid cloying sweetness. Keep in mind that the higher alcohol alone will enhance your perception of sweetness.
Good call. Yes, I absolutely want to avoid barleywine territory with this. Thinking maybe a blend of 2-row/MO with a touch of crystal and a # of sugar at the end.
You can avoid crystal sweetness altogether by using some Light Munich for color and a little malty flavor. I don’t use crystal in American IPA any more.
I almost never use crystal in much either. I also mash at 148-149 for 90 min. When I do an IIPA I also try not to get too many hop varieties in there. I too use about 5% corn sugar. I make sure to ramp my temps to keep it going. 090 is in my fridge, need to break it out. I’m using 007 in my IPA anything beers. Good luck!
Funny. I think Mark had suspected that WLP090 is a variant of WLP007 based on performance and also that their krausen look almost identical. I love WLP007 for most of the English stuff I brew. I’ll take the “no crystal” under advisement as I continue to put this recipe together.
I’ve lost interest in Chico. I brewed several split batches with Chico and 007. Every time I like the something extra I get. I have some 1217 I’m going to split with next week. I didn’t realize Mark thought they were from the same strain, good to know thanks.