Hey everyone! I’m still alive. Hope all you are well. I’m going to have plenty of time to catch up with you all.
My life has been quite the ride. We had to move my parents in with us almost a exactly a year after my sister died. My dad, who was caring for my mom, had a foot amputated. They needed help so they have been living with us since March. (My old brewery and bar has now been redone into their apartment. So I was out of the brewing game then) Mom tried to kill herself, so she was in the looney bin for about a month. There a few other trips to the ER with mom or dad over the summer as well. About a month ago we had a massive storm. City septic backed up and we had about eight inches of raw sewage in the basement, otherwise know as the parents apartment. That was about 10k out of pocket. Just got the new carpet in today.
Tuesday, we took my wife, Tammy, to Cleveland University Hospital for results. She has MDS. Bone marrow cancer. Without treatment it will advance to AML. The only place we can find the treatment she needs is Emory University in Atlanta, GA. Without treatment she has three or four months. Even with its far from a sure thing. We’re basically throwing a hail Mary with 3 seconds left in the fourth quarter. To be very blunt, my wife is most likely going to be gone in a few months. She’s only 48 years old. She’s drop dead beautiful and to see her she looks fine. She went and got day drunk with her girlfriends yesterday. She’s my best friend and I’m going to lose her. And I’m going to be alone with her in Atlanta when it happens. I will come home to two step daughters who just lost their mom. One of which has Down syndrome. I’ve never been one to ask for help that didn’t involve what temp to mash or ferment at. But here I am, and all I can say is “help”. A very dear friend started this for her. I’m not asking anyone to donate, just please share. Thank you all.
I am so sorry you had to go through this. I have you and your family in my prayers.
Thank you so much.
So sorry to hear this, Barry. Hang in there…we’re all pulling for you.
You have the sympathy of a stranger and fellow brewer. Such a long string sad events, I sincerely hope that you and yours have a turn in the tide coming in the near future.
Hang in there.
Sorry to hear about this. This website ( https://www.cancertutor.com/ ) has helped me understand cancer and that there are many options for treatment. Best thing is to remain positive. Where there is life there is hope.
I would add that everyone try to sign up to be a marrow donor. I did it many years ago and I’m still on the donor list at over 50 years old.
Barry, I have to say I was happy to see you posting again but was floored by what you’ve been and are going through. I know it sounds weak but hang in there, you never know what can happen. I’m not normally one to say this but, you and your family will be my prayers.
I hope a miracle of one kind or another comes your way. They often aren’t what you expect, keep an open mind and try to stay positive.
Just sharing my own commitment to pray for you and your family. You’re going through so much.
Thank you all very much.
Prayers for you and your family, Weaze, shoot me a pm if you would ever want to get out & about and have a beer or three.
Thanks so much for all the kids words and positive thoughts. She’s been through two rounds of chemo now. It hasn’t given her any real side effects as of yet. This is the only treatment for her particular condition. And not a cure, it will just give her a little more time. It’s success rate is 30%. So, that;s better than nothing. She goes back in on the 14th for a bone marrow sample to see if it is doing anything. Thanks again guys!
And if I can ask again, please share this on your social media.