Drew's Weight Loss

I’ve suggested to Drew that a lot of folks, me included, would benefit from and be interested in hearing his story and how he did it. I asked him to consider doing a special podcast on Experimental Brewing about it. It sounds like he’s maybe willing, but he mentioned that he thinks maybe no one would be interested. I don’t see him making a big deal of it, shying away from being perceived as grandstanding, so I am going to ask you folks.

Would you be interested, like me, in hearing his story?

From what I’ve seen at NHC, we should all be interested in hearing his story.

For sure.  Well… as long as he doesn’t tell me it involved giving up beer  :o

I’m interested

Tapeworm infused Saison.

I would like to hear his story as well. However I suspect just from the little bit he did discuss on the latest podcast sounds like its plain ass discipline and being conscious of what you take in. I used to be one of those guys who could eat whatever i wanted and couldn’t gain weight and then i hit my 40’s.

I would definitely be interested.

Yes, add me to to the list of interested forum members. I want to lose some kilos, but nothing like what Drew accomplished.

I’d be interested, too.


Yep.  Me too.

He already had been on a podcast and interviewed about it

I believe it was basic brewing radio or beersmith

Yeah I saw a picture of Drew and was like Wow.  That being said, the last time you all saw me was in 2013 in Philly.  I’ve dropped 30 lbs since then.  I had gone off the reservation as far as taking care of myself over the last ten years so I started running again and with that the diet has changed and my beer consumption has been cut a bit, but I still enjoy more than I need!  See you in Balmore!

Was that the transformers talk?

Add me to the list of people who would be interested in hearing.

I would enjoy hearing the story…I could use some motivation to drop 10-15 lbs.

Being an MIT grad, I’m sure he developed some sort of microscopic tapeworm or borg nanoprobes to assist him  :stuck_out_tongue:

I started running 5k’s last year (think I did 6 or 7) but they were for the “Will Run For Beer” series, so I’m not sure they count

I also. Have gained 30# since last November. Strictly due to too many calories and not enough exercise.

Any advice from success could be very helpful.

Last spring and summer I was walking a lot- 5-6 days a week. Regularly would do 13 miles at a wack and as much as 18. Very time consuming. But walking that much will shed the blubber.

Especially if you are not eating while walking that much!

How about we set up an AHA Experimental Weight Loss Group, and we worship Drew as our Guru and Deity, and we pray to Him for guidance? And we make a pledge to lose x amount of weight through scientifically sound experimental methods. E.g., the first week we only eat bananas and after that week we measure the collective weight loss. Second week, only quinoa and Brussels sprouts, and we measure again, etcetera and so forth.