I’ve been thinking about Dunkels lately too. Yours looks similar to my approach in the past. But I’m thinking the Pils really doesn’t do anything, and I’m not sure I entirely like the contribution Melanoidin makes (or any caramel, for that matter) and I’m not sure it would do much at that % anyway. I might skip those and fill out the space w/ more of the Bo Dark. Love that malt. Color would be about equal (what, ~16° SRM?) and the flavor would be straight up Munich. Just kinda where I’m thinking I might go.
It’s about 16.6 SRM according to BeerSmith. The pilsner malt is to increase the enzymatic activity in the mash. I read several sources that indicated all-Munich recipes can under-attenuate due to a lack of enzymes. The melanoidin malt is, in part, to make up for the reduced amount of Munich malt. I am open to using more/less/none. I want to avoid using any caramel malt because I want to maximize crispness/dryness. I am also open to altering the hop bill, though Sterling is the only Noble-style hop I have in the freezer.
Munich can easily be 100%of the grist. I have put Pils in just because others used to just because of that concern…but fact is the enzyme capacity of Munich is right up there, it’s a true base malt (European ones anyway.) If Munich does underattenuate at all (doubtful) it would probably be because of the slight bit of caramelization it gets in the kiln. I wouldn’t be afraid to go all Munich and Carafa. Mash for dryness. Search for other threads on these boards on this, I recall seeing others are taking this approach and liking it. Oh and for a secret sauce? To adjust color instead of Carafa try Briess Midnight Wheat. Huge color at 550L, and VERY little flavor contribution. Super smooth and not roasty at all. Debitterd black similar.
The few dunks I’ve done have all fallen short. Too sweet, too carmeley, or too jagged. Until I brewed one all best malz dark munich with a touch of carafa 2 special for the color I thought I wanted. It was as close to a real dunk as I’ve come so far.
The last Dunkel I brewed was 96% Munich 4% Carafa II. I added the Carafa in the mash and felt like it needed something so I was considering a small addition of Melanoidin. Adding at the vorlauf may do it.
Really thinking about this for next brew day (couple of weeks): ~98% Bohemian dark (have it on hand) and ~2% Midnight Wheat. Morey says ~16°SRM. I say rich, lightly toasted malt; maybe Tradition for the hops? Hmm…
EDIT/QUESTION: Anybody think I might want to include some Munich 2? Yes/no, reasons?