Electric brewery for sale

My good friend recently passed away and his wife needed help selling his brewing equipment. It is a system from

It’s ready to go with all the quick connects, pumps, hoses, brew kettles, and control box.
New is well over $3000 worth of equipment. She would take $1500 if anyone is interested.

I don’t see how to attach pics, so send me a msg for the pics.

Hi. I’m interested in pictures and any other detailed info you have, including size and roughly where this system is located.

The system is in Orlando, FL. If we can’t find a buyer locally, we could ship it, but I’m sure it would be several hundred dollars to ship. I can’t post pics from my phone but if you send me an email at Raisler@gmail.com i will send the pics.

Thanks for the info. Since I’m in central New York, and unlikely to want to come get or have delivered, we can pass on the pictures. Good luck.

Would love to see pics. I’m definitely interested. Send pics to rghermes AT gmail DOT com

It is no longer available.  Sorry.