Experimental Brewing Episode 124b - Holiday 2020

This has been a long strange year and Denny and Drew just wanted to stop in for a few minutes and say thank you for continuing to listen and be a part of the beery world. We’re reflecting on some of our favorite things this year - what have been some of yours? Email at podcast@experimentalbrew.com

Love the show! Thanks for the entertainment and info!


This was an excellent episode! Y’all have been on a roll lately of especially good shows.

Love the podcast I have learned so much. With some of the info I have learned I was able to help people who use kits like mr.beer. It has also helped me create my own recipes. Happy holidays and my 2021 be a better year

Thanks, all! Figured we all needed 10 minutes of silliness.

And the ukulele and singing didn’t bother me a bit.

Drew didn’t have that reaction… ;D

Drew’s going stir-crazy?

I’ve been stir crazy for damn near 8 months now!