Denny and Drew are recovering from their road trip! So here’s a revisit of our very first Q&A show
It’s Episode 10 and it’s finally time to see if we’re as smart as we say we are. We discuss the listener response to our Session Beer efforts and promise to post a kickass list of session beer recipes. (Link below) We run off to the pub and discuss the recently concluded Pacific Northwest Homebrewers Conference and the lameness of “pink washing” and silly sexism. And then to the lecture hall where “Professors” Denny and Drew sit down and try and see how long they can fake actually knowing anything. For listener ease we’ve broken the questions up into categories so you can find things more easily. Over the course of twenty some odd questions we tackle questions about ingredients, process, styles, yeast and everything else. Before we leave, Drew gives a brief shout out to two very impactful passings that recently occurred. One to the man whose decision in the 70’s still impacts us to this day. The other, well, that one’s more important to Chihuahua owners.