includes an interview and tasting with forum member riceral!
We should call this a follow up episode because we’ve got a bunch of follow up to previous shows, including your feedback on the Brew Files water show and a chance to taste listener Ralph Rice’s Altbier that he sent in thanks to our Alt show. One of our own just won a big award! We also announce our next experiment before diving into the beer world, both new and old, including a cool new blend of hops from sponsor Yakima Chief Hops that we’re going to give away to the two challenge recipes we choose!
I’ve never had an Altbier. It’s just not been on my radar. After listening to you guys describe this one however I immediately took down the recipe and then listened to the podcast a second time to make some notes with your suggestions. This is going to the top of my to-do list.
Great minds think alike: I recently ordered the ingredients for an Alt for this weekend’s brew day. Based on the reaction I can only hope this beer is as delicious as Ralph’s (though it will be my first go at the style).
The latest version of the altbier is the same as my previous batch. The only change was the malt source. I previously used Weyermann pils and Munich but this batch was using Mecca Grade malts. Using the Weyermann malts made a good beer but the Mecca Grade took it to a new level, in my opinion.