Export Promash to BeerSmith

Well after some 20 years of using Promash with great success i broke down and purchased Beersmith2.  Would like to export recipies and ingredients databases googled this topic, but it led me to 12 year old threads.
Anyone have any pointers?
Also just got 3 Blichmann BrewVision Temperature sensors and would like to integrate them into Beersmith.
I hate learning curves, sure wish ProMash would get an update.

Maybe something has changed by now, but my experience was that it was more hassle than it was worth.  There’s a beer xml converter pout there somewhere that converted Promash into beer xml.  Unfortunately, it wasn’t the version of xml that’s compatible with the current version of Beersmith.  What I would have had to do was convert my Promash recipes to beer xml, open them in an older version of Beersmith, then save in the new Beersmith format.  Like I said, there may be an easier way by now, but I haven’t heard of it.  Ultimately I decided that there was nothing in Beersmith that I needed that badly and I’m still happily using Promash.

I don’t think the integrate the brew visions into beersmith. I think blichmann integrated beersmith cloud into their app. Not sure of this as I haven’t messed with them, but it appears to be the case based on the website.

Maybe Brad will add features to v 3 when he releases it.

I modeled my original Excel sheet and much of what I have in the Low O2 sheet after the menus, navigation, etc of ProMash.

There is zero content in BeerSmith that should sway the average ProMash user. I’m an Excel guy to the end and I can import beer.xml into excel as well as output.

There is nothing done in BeerSmith that isn’t done more elegantly by ProMash or an Excel sheet.


To Denny’s point, there is no easy or elegant solution to the PM → BS xml issue. The directories in particular are going to be a lost cause. Your best bet is probably to take a day to manually port everything in.

Why did you stop using ProMash btw?

Just got some Blichmann BrewVision temp sensors and saw a feature that allows you to import beersmith recipies.
Promash serves me well, dont get me wrong. just that BS recipes move well across different platforms. was told importing PM directories wouldnt be a problem. I’ll try messing around with a few recipies in Beersmith, I’m not totally sold just yet.