Fake Brew Dog pub in China

The Brew Dog guys are funny.

Interesting approach to trademark infringement.

As much as I want to believe they’re being high minded and whatnot in not going after these guys, I would put good money on what really happened being more like this: “can we sue them?” “yes, and it will cost a bazillion pounds and will take several years.” “screw that, let’s just turn it into advertising.”

  • which is a pretty smart move on their part.

Those brew dog cats are so into hype I wouldn’t be surprised if they didn’t open it and call it counterfeit themselves just for the publicity.

aka BrewDog’s solution to everything.

I like the implicit threat of “we are coming to visit”. I wouldn’t like any angry slighted Scotsmen showing up with a score to settle. Regardless of the smiley face nature of their letter.


How about if the brew good beer. Dead squirrel on the bottle - no thanks.
Brew dog. Mehh…

In spite of the marketing crap, they do indeed make great beer. Perhaps it suffers from the long voyage across the seas?

At a club meeting a guy shared a Tactical Nuclear Penguin. The small sip of that hot mess of a beer was all I needed. I don’t think the trip across the Atlantic was responsible for that.

I think they have some good beers.  I’ve had a few people have brought back from Scotland vs having them shipped.  They were decent.  Those super freeze distilled ‘beers’ are really more of a liquor.

TNP and those other super-crazy-expensive-extreme beers are pure marketing. They’re not worth it at all. 5 AM Saint, Hardcore IPA, Hoppy Christmas, etc etc - those are super great beers. Hardcore IPA is about as close as I can get to a Pliny-type beer without paying out the nose or flying to California.