Faucet Wort Chiller Workaround

I just moved to a new apartment that has a Delta Faucet with hose attachment.  I am not sure I can hook up my immersion chiller to that.  Do any of you have simple suggestions on a workaround interms of hookup?  Has anyone tried using a shower head pipe to connect to a garden hose attachment and done the chilling in a shower?

Thanks for any advice.

Although I’ve never tried it, I’d imagine you could put the faucet adapter on a shower arm, it should fit. But I’ve also seen people use a pond pump and a container with ice water (like half of a blue barrel or something). Post a pic of your new faucet, maybe it can be used.

I can unscrew the aerator from my sink faucet (also a faucet-on-a-hose style), and then attach an adapter where I removed the aerator.  However, I have seem some faucets where it looks like the aerator is built into the faucet head and cannot be unscrewed.

This is what it looks like. https://www.deltafaucet.com/kitchen/product/9678T-DST

perhaps, the water pump idea might work, I looked to see if I could unscrew the faucet hose head from the hose and it wasn’t disconnecting, so I thought maybe trying shower but the thought of the pump is intriguing.

Would something like this work or do I need something stronger?


Showers use 1/2" npt. I have cam locks in the guest bathroom for clean up. Works well.

I’ve seen large rubber hoses that clamp over these type of faucets before. They are maybe 5" long and have a normal fitting on one side while the open side slides over the faucet.

That pump will be about similar to a faucet, 300gph is 5 gallons per minute. Should be sufficient. But you still could do the shower arm thing too, if you didn’t want to buy a pump. Also you could use the bathtub for the water container for the pump. The shower arm thing would probably be the cheapest, but I’ve heard the ice bath/pump saves water and cools faster. I don’t know from experience, I personally use a plate chiller, but I’ve read/talked with people who’ve done the pump thing. Let us know what you decide and how it goes.

I broke down and bought a Pond Pump that does 500 gallons per hour at Home Depot.  I have an Ice Chest thta I can use to hold iced water and use that.  Thanks all!