Favorite Brew Music

Hi Everyone,

What is currently your favorite brew music?  Here is mine:

Phoebe Killdeer & The Shortstraws - Fade Out Lines Live


Toe-tapping old time & bluegrass, like this:

Roy Orbison - Oh, Pretty Woman (from Black & White)

A+ for relevance.

Gotta have Celtic punk on. Dropkick Murphy, Flogging Molly, The Real McKenzies, The Tossers, etc…

I can never get tired of Frank Black.

Whatever’s playing on Maine Public Radio when I’m brewing.

It’s one of a few different depending on the season and my mood. Lately I’ve just been listening to podcasts, namely going back to the start of The Brewing Network archives. Once spring and summer hit it will be a lot more Jimmy Buffet and Baseball games when they’re on. Nothing like brewing listening to Bob Uecker!

Dark beer - Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Beer
Non-dark beer - any Jethro Tull

Ive gotten to the point where my favorite music is only played on my stereo in my basement on LP or CD loud enough to piss of my wife (and certainly the neighbors if I had any). But, at the brewery I often listen to “Ten Years After” Pandora station.

The Experimental Brewing podcast. Somewhere in the podcasts there is a ukulele solo  :smiley:

John Barleycorn, Tull, Ten Years After - hmmm, it don’t get much better than that stuff!

last batch was done with some Iron Maiden. Had some Breaking Benjamin and Nothing More going while I was kegging.

Today was Minus The Bear, Elbow, Gojira, & Thank You Scientist.

Today I’m listening to the S-Town podcast while I get my mash on and clean the house. I didn’t like it at first but it grew on me (like kudzu, perhaps). I generally listen to news or story podcasts, though I have Pandora channels to fit whatever mood: War when I want to revisit the 1970s, Fairport Convention, old-tyme “wimmen’s music,” Topp Twins, jazz, whatever. Sometimes it’s just me and my head.

Nothing gets me pumped up on brew day like Queens of the Stone Age.

Good one

Yeah, great band. I’m all over the map with brew day music - among others I go from classic punk to bands like Replacements and Husker Du, to 90s grunge, then bands like QOTSA , and finally to the Dead, being a longtime Deadhead. There’s variety for ya.  :slight_smile:

As a rocker and former gigging musician, I find listening to tunes I enjoy distracting from the process and work against me.  Same goes for drinking while brewing.  I just throw on some jazz on the radio for ambient noise.  My brew session is not fun at all: there’s lots of minute details hitting temps/measuring small quantities/dangerous chemicals/glassware/etc.  This will even get worse once I start fooling with LO2.

I can’t help asking this question - if it aint fun, why do it?