Feedback on Brown Ale

Looking for some feedback on a Brown Ale I plan on brewing soon after a long hiatus.
It is structurally similar to Denny’s NOTI Brown (same percentages and IBU) but I am using ingredients available at my LHBS.
Dingemans Pale Ale – 59.3%
Dingemans Munich – 27.8%
Dingemans Caramunich – 7.4%
Dingemans Special B – 1.9%
Briess Chocolate – 3.7%

Mash @ 152 for 45 minutes. Water to Grist → 1.63 qts/lb. Looking to get 1.5 gallons in the fermentor.

Centennial – 0.33 oz @ 25
Cascade – 0.25 oz @ 15
Willamette – 0.33 oz @ 15
Willamette – 0.22 oz @ 10
Willamette – 0.22 oz @ 5
Cascade – 0.37 oz @ 0

~47 IBU

I’m set on using dry yeast for this one. Looking for some guidance. Probably US-05 or BRY-97.

I see nothing that I would change specifically. Either of those yeasts should be good; they are basically equivalent. It seems solid to me. Brew it and change things next time, if needed.

+1.  Looks pretty solid to me. I’m sure Denny would argue that you use American malts for American ales ( I generally agree), but we all know how good Dingemann malts are. Not exactly a step down. If that’s what you get from the LHBS then it could be worse.  :wink:

Yep, that would be my strategy, but it’s not my beer!

I hear you Denny. My logic is simple: My local stores only sell Briess for American malts.

So Dingemans it is. If it makes you feel better, I can switch to an English style yeast and use different hops! [emoji12]

My only comment is that I’d try and work some amber malt into the recipe, but that’s just me. I love amber malt in a brown ale.

I’ve brewed several batches of NB’s Surly Bender AG kit, it’s a great beer that’s really set apart by the special B and amber malt. (If memory serves correctly.)

Briess may not make as good an amber as others, but it’s still worth it IMO. I think theirs is victory?