Fermentis Academy for Homebrewers | Oct. 11 | Denver, CO

Hi AHA Forum folks -

I wanted to let the people on this forum know about an upcoming in-person Fermentis Academy for Homebrewers event that will be taking place on Friday, October 11 at Metro State Denver:

Learn More: Fermentis Academy for Homebrewers

Space is limited to ~50 people, so if you are a local homebrewer, or plan to be in town for the NHC Awards Ceremony or GABF, come check it out. We plan to spend the day taking attendees through some really fun and informative activities for homebrewers to learn all about malt and yeast.

Lunch is included in your registration, and we plan to host a big raffle at the end of the day with some top tier homebrewing and home distillation systems. All attendees are included in the raffle.

We would love to see you there!

Matt Bolling
National Marketing Manager

If I was going to GABF, I’d go to this.

We’d love to have you, Denny! We just might have to plan the next one in Noti!

My brother and I signed up today!

That one I’d make. But I have no plans to attend GABF

I would do that as well, but I am not planning on attending the GABF this year.  This might be a good thing to have at a future Homebrew Con if they get reinstated.

I think that we could be talked in to doing it at Homebrew Con, if it is brought back :slight_smile:

We specifically planned this to be during GABF. It sounds like there will be a lot of fun things to do at the Homebrew HQ during GABF… but we wanted to provide an educational and interactive experience during the day for homebrewers who are in town for the NHC Awards, or are local. It might not be Homebrew Con, but this event should check a lot of the same boxes for people who want to learn more about a hobby that they are passionate about… and it will wrap up in time for them to attend GABF that night!

Between this workshop, and the upcoming Colorado Homebrewers Conference that The Brew Hut is planning on August 17, the folks in Denver are getting a lot of cool events! More info on that here: https://thebrewhut.com/colorado-homebrewers-conference/