filtering beer

How do you filter beer? Is there an economical way to do it for 5 gallon batches?

I tried a coffee filter and it is sooooo slow.

Using house filters seems to be gaining some popularity.

I don’t anymore, but I used to use a ceramic water filter (0.5 micron) for rough filtration. I also used to be able to get DE filters through the college lab or pool supply which worked great for bright beer in a hurry. I’d say yeast selection, refrigeration & time are your friends.  :wink:

When I filter, I use the plate filter, but the initial setup wasn’t cheap and the filters aren’t cheap.  So I only filter when it really, really matters.

Try fining instead.  I make mead, so I often use the same things.  They work on beer too.

I hate using it, because my girlfriend is a vegetarian and won’t consume it, but gelatin works GREAT if you keg. That and a week at 32F before kegging and your beer will be clearer than 90% of commercial craft beer.

oh wow. i have never tried either. thanks!

I use gelatin.  Works great 99% of the time.