Quick question on gelatin finings. I was planning on using them to clarify an IPA, which I was also going to dry hop in the keg. Should I add the gelatin to the keg with the hops, or would it be better to transfer to a secondary with the finings, then transfer to the keg with the hops? I’m going to leave the dry hops in the keg.
I go through phases when I fine hoppy beers and phases when I don’t. When I do fine I like to keg the beer, crash for a day or two, then fine. Wait 2 or 3 more days and pump out the sediment, then jump to a purged keg with fine mesh bagged hops in the bottom. Clear beer onto dry hops.
You will get better hop aroma if you fine first, then dry hop.
Possible but I usually fine cold. So I dump the yeast, dry hop and bubble CO2 thru fermenter while dry hopping. Then chill the fermenter and fine.