First All Grain Batch

I brewed my first all grain batch today (5 gallons), how long should fly sparging take?

I’m pretty sure I rushed it; it seemed to be completed with 15 min or so. Is this something that I should worry about?

Depends how it comes out. Usually for a low alcohol/OG beer it’s 45 minutes but batch sparging is like 10 minutes or so. I bet you get great beer regardless.

Did you measure the OG? 15 minutes is pretty fast, but if the OG was low then you know it was too fast.

OG turned out to be 1.061 (Beersmith predicted 1.058).

Seems fine then.  although after arguing, (I mean discussing, LOL) with Denny over a year ago, I switch to batch sparging.  And I’ve got it dailed in pretty good new, when my boil pot is where I want it, the mash tun stops running.

I stongly recommend batch sparging.

+1 to batch sparging, especially starting out all-grain.  I started out batch sparging and I really have no plans to go to fly now.  I’ve got my system down and I’m happy w/ my efficiency.  Plus, batch sparging is a whole lot quicker.  To each his own and I’m sure either way you choose the results will be good.

Well, I’ve got a double header scheduled for this weekend. Looks like I’ll try batch sparging. Thanks for the heads up.