First Festival

We just got done pouring at our first festival as a brewery, and even though it was a small festival, we were one of three breweries that attended, we flew through beer.  It was so amazing watching people come back again and again for more.  We brought 45 gallons with us of four styles, Stout 5g, IPA 10g, Pumpkin 15g, and IRA 15g, and poured 26g, and surprisingly went through the most of the one we thought people would think was too strong, IRA 8.9% 75 IBU.  They just couldn’t get enough.  Did I also mention the festival was also only 3 hours long.  We’ve already been invited back next year, and are being featured on the front page of the paper.  Sounds like a good impression to me.  I want to hear about other peoples experiences pouring their first time.

Congratulations!  When is your beer coming west of the Cascades?

I can tell it was your first festival if you’re surprised that people went right for the strong one. :wink:

Sounds like a great start! Will have to look you guys up next time I’m in the TriCities.


Congrats!  :slight_smile:

Brewfests are great way to get feedback.

I’ve done three festivals so far. Every one has been exhausting, overwhelming and fun as hell. Just did one Friday night in Birmingham, AL. Have had great feedback at every event. It’s really cool to have a line of 50 people waiting in line to sample your beer.