I knew it was going to happen and I did it anyway :o
The wort was foamy to begin with and I threw in .5 ounce of pellets and I pretty much instantly had a huge mess.
I immediately panicked and added about .15 more ounces and then continued to mull over and change additions throughout.
I intended for 42ibu. If I lost 100% I still end up with a red rye ale of 25ibu and if I lost 0% I end up with 60 ibu — either way it’s probably drinkable.
Just a guess, what range of percentage of hops do you think I lost???
Try waiting till hot break falls back in before starting your hop clock. Its just a few minutes and won’t make that much difference other than boil over reduction
+1 on all of the above.
Waiting for hot break is something I’ve done since even back in my extract days. The guy at the HB store recommended it and I’ve always had good results.
Instead of a cup of water, I keep a spray bottle full of water for knocking down the foam, just in case.
I got a whiff of the fermentor yesterday, smells great acutally with the large amoiunt of late additions. I’ll just have to see what it tastes like in a few weeks.