First Partigyle

I just brewed a Belgian Dark strong.  Since the beer gets its color from the Candi Syrup, I decided I’d do a no-sparge for the beer, then sparge 2 gallons so I can can a batch of starter wort.  It turned out perfectly!  I got 8 quarts of 1.042 wort on that sparge.  I’m a happy camper.

Most excellent - those big beers really do leave a lot for the second runnings… a club member in my club won an award with a second runnings’ English Mild from a larger English Brown ale mash.  Be sure to pressure can that wort though - Denny recently mentioned in a thread the dangers of canned starter worts that aren’t fully processed.

The few times I’m not too lazy to save wort I’ve frozen it, than boiled before using it in a starer.

Yep!  Pressure canned it last night.  It made for a long brew day, but worth it