First time brew last night!

And I come out to check this morning and I see the wort has overflowed just a bit from the carboy and through the airlock through the night.  Not much, mind you.  Maybe a half cup’s worth; MAYBE.  Is this bad?  Is there something I need to adjust immediately or will it still properly ferment?

Secondarily, was my mistake adding too much fluid volume to the carboy?  I suspect so, but I’m new to this.

It’s likely a combination of too much in the carboy and fermenting a little warmer than you should.

It’s nothing to worry about just it let it finish out and it’ll be fine.

On the next batch try to ferment in a cooler area.


What size carboy? How much wort did you put in it? What temp is sitting in?

No worries though. Just don’t do the mistake that I did on my first batch. HUGE rookie mistake on my part. I was worried about it and I dumped a little out. Well, when it “glug glugged” out it sucked in bad air and contaminated my batch. Just let it run it’s course.

Typically I always start out with a hose running to a wine bottle with about 2 cups starsan water in it. The first day or two is your most active fermentation. Then it slows down and I switch to an airlock.

FWIW, I like ~ 30% headspace in my fermenters.  The 8 gallon wine fermenter buckets I use keep pretty much all my 5.5 gallon beers contained - big beers, aggressive yeast strains (3068, 3787, etc.). And they’re a steal :

funny that you  mention these. realized after i got my wine kit i need a bigger bucket. will come in handy for those ferocious fermenting brews!

Yeah, I love 'em. Got a big stack.

yeah i will be able to make 7+ gals when i’m bottling instead of kegging