So on the spur of the moment a few months ago I decided to try my hand at mead making! I was at a local discount store and stumbled across 8 lbs of raw honey at and absolutely rock bottom price of $1.50 a lb! I processed it using the low heat method while skimming, used yeast nutrient and Cote de Blanc wine yeast from Lalvin. When I say it was “raw” honey, I really mean it. ( There was propolis, wax and bee bits that needed skimming, and i tossed in some heather tips for good measure.
OG was 1.087, FG is currently 0.997. It is extremely clear with a dense yeast cake, I had used bentonite to fine about a month ago. It is extremely crisp and dry, but has a very strong, tart flavor. I wouln’t call it sour, but I’m the only one I’ve shared it with that really likes it. :p It seems better at room temp, when chilled to fridge temp it takes on a strong waxy undertone.
I realize that this mead may have been doomed from the start because of my honey selection, but is there anything I can do to suppress the tart flavor? I’d like someone other than me to be about to enjoy it! If nothing else I can simply say that I’ve learned some important lessons, and I believe that my technique was excellent.