Flashback Brewday

The thread on how we all got started gave me an idea. My next brewing weekend wont be for Christmas 3 or 4 weeks, but I’m going to rebrew my very first beer. A morebeer porter extract kit with US05, but using my current fermentation equipment.

Might be fun if a bunch of us joined in. Kind of a walk down memory lane.

My first kit a was hefe from the crappiest store known to man. Not sure how I would go about making stale extract in short notice. I would also need to leave the hops and dry yeast in ziploc bags next to the window for a few months. Can’t forget the maltodextrin “kicker”. At least the capper still works.

Mr. Beer West Coast Pale Ale.

Bottled in those thin plastic Arrowhead water bottles which leaked all the C02 out so every one was flat.

Wow! My first batch is long gone to the mysteries of time. It was an extract/specialty grain pale ale from Liberty Malt Supply in Pike Street Market. It was this: Lot Detail - MICRO-BREWERY HOME BREW KIT BY ALEPHENALIA

I brewed a lacto-infected mess that got me addicted to brewing.

Well, I’m not going to brew it with all the mistakes I made. The point is to see how much better it is now that you know something and have some decent equipment.

First homebrew was an extract London Porter from the place my wife bought my homebrew supply kit for my birthday.


I like it Jim, my first batch has been on my list of re-brews, but is was looking for it AG style. I may go back and do it extract with grains again on my 2 year anniversary of brewing in June next year because it would be great to see what I would hope would be great improvement,

Cool idea but I’m not going back to Mr. Beer lol

Exactly my thought

Mine was an extract w/steeping grains clone kit of Otter Creek Copper Ale from Austin Homebrew Supply using Nottingham yeast. My big mistakes were going the wrong way with my temperature ramping (pitched at 68, then brought it down to 60F after 3 days), and using the whole 5oz of corn sugar to prime. I ended up with an overcarbonated butter bomb.

I don’t think I’d ever rebrew that kit specifically, because I don’t think it’s a good clone, but I would definitely take a stab at brewing my own clone armed with my current brewing knowledge and past experience.

Memory lane… my first brew was an ambitions attempt at Rochefort 10, using the unfortunate recipe from “Beer Captured”.  I think I ended up with less wort than intended, and the yeast died at 12% alcohol still at 1.030 or something.    ???

My second was an all-grain attempt at Hop Devil, also from Beer Captured.

It’s a cool idea, but I think I’d prefer not to brew any recipes from that book.

My first was an oatmeal stout kit, extract with grains. I don’t think it was a clone, I think it was packaged by the LHBS. Unfortunately I already knew enough and followed recipes to make decent beer the first few times. I say unfortunately because it lead to me believing I knew what I was doing for a couple years. I think I would have learned faster with a couple early failures. It was moving to all grain and then joining this forum that has humbled me enough to really start learning.
I still have the original recipe and notes, so maybe I’ll try it all grain.

My first as mentioned in the other post was mr.beer. Nope, not doing it!  My first real attempt at beer was an American golden ale kit, and not so inclined to do that either. I will have to look at my first all grain as I can’t remember what it was- something simple I’m sure.

My first beer was an extract pale ale that I changed the hop schedule. It turned out great! I have attempted an all grain version of it a few times without success. I think I need to make another attempt soon.

I’d have to find some crappy old extract and yeast. The ingredients weren’t that great 22 years ago. The beer was still better than most of what was available back then. That being said, I might do a kit just for kicks.


My first was an extract/crystal malt/Cascade hop APA from Pike Brewing Supply in Seattle.  I still remember the sound, aroma and thrill of opening the first bottle.

My first kit came form Wally Von Klopp’s Wine and Cheese Mart in MN.  It was an extract +grains and if I recall correctly it was a red and turned out “great” (great being defined as, tasted okay, didn’t kill anyone).  All my notes from 1997 are hand written and in a box, somewhere, in the basement.  I might dig them out next Tuesday while I’m brewing (forced PTO on Veteran’s Day).  Who knows they may spark ideas to try again.


I have all my notes and notebooks from the first brew through the 469th that I did last week.

A couple people mentioned Pike Place market.  That’s where I bought Charlie’s book before it was the “new” Complete Joy, back in 1991.  Getting that 12 bucks out of my wallet was tough, but I’m glad I did it.

My first brew was an “IPA” that had a can of hopped extract, some hops, steeping grains, DME and a vial of something from White Labs  – I was so excited I didn’t pay any attention to specifics. It didn’t taste like an IPA, but it was good enough to make me think that homebrewing was worth my time. I wouldn’t try to recreate it, though.