Fly vs Batch sparging - lesson learned

A while back I argued on this board that fly sparging was far superior to batch sparging.  Well, with my new Top Tier, I tried batch sparging.

I was wrong.

Batch sparging works great, it was much easier to hit my OG, and I had plenty of good wort to make a ten gallon batch, really ten gallons.  Plus, I filled three mason jars for starters…

(I’ll listen better next time, Denny, LOL)

welcome to the Dark side…

It’s the pragmatic way.  ;D

…eventhough I’m builbing my RIMS system, I will always have the batch sparge method to fall back on when needed.

As a former long time fly sparger all I can say is that, unless you have a fully automated system you are simply wasting your time by fly sparging.

I’ll second that!!

Wait a minute,  I HAVE to fly sparge many of my brews,  Try batch sparging with 28-30 pounds of grain in your 10 gallon igloo cooler!!!

(don’t tell anyone, but I batch sparge when I brew my session beers)  :wink:

um, fred, they do make bigger coolers  :wink:

That would only get me pressing the limit again,
let me see, an 80 qt cooler could hold a whole sack of grain, hmmmmmm
hell of a 5 gallon batch

And THAT would consummate your signature…  :wink:
“Everything under 1.100 is a ‘session’ beer”

Dude, get a 152 qt.!  I can fit in 75 lb. of grain at 1.3 qt./lb. and it’s only 3/4 full!

Mic, I’m glad you finally tried it and compared for yourself.  That’s the best way for any of us to evaluate new ideas.

How goes the battle with the law change down south?

hmmm,  ever get 2 sacks of grain in that thing?

Real well.  We have quite a few top level legislators on our side and legislation is being drafted.  We just need top make sure it’s includes everything we’d like to see.  There a a couple kinda sticky issues to deal with (homebrew in licensed establishments, for one) but I’m confident that we’ll get something though early in the legislative session.

Nope, but we haven’t tried!  Maybe you could…here’s a pic from a typical Old Stoner brew.  10 gal. of 1.100+ OS, plus 12 gal. of a 1.60ish 2nd runnings beer.

main.php (57.3 KB)

No reason you can’t use 2 mashtuns!  :wink:
I’ve made 14 gallons of Old Ale with a bag of grain in 2 mashtuns.  :slight_smile:
And I’ve done a “doble-doble” mash with 42# for 6 gallons of 1.134 Samiclaus clone.  ;D

…or the Igloo 250qt Great White.  :o

I don’t even wanna think about emptying the spent grain outta that sucker!

LOL  :smiley:

me neither.  :o

One bucket at a time…