I guess I remember football way before Hank. Don’t really care one way or the other. I prefer the nice looking lady in the tight leather suit, personally.
I rarely watch a game at start time. Set the Tivo, turn off the phone, and fast forward through all this crap and get to the game. I usually catch up to the live game by halftime, which makes the rest of the game go really slow.
P.S. Tivo also allows me to freeze the screen for certain things ( i.e. see lady in tight leather suit mentioned above )
Personally I can easily do without all that silly pregame noise and distraction. In fact I could do without 90% of the gibberish the commentators spew. What I enjoy is football, not listening to guys in love with their own voices.
I like watching professional football just from the perspective that I like the game and enjoy watching the pros execute it. But I don’t get emotionally involved in pro football. If called upon to pick “my” pro-team I go with the Eagles because I’m from eastern PA (now you know I’m not lying about that to jump on a bandwagon ;)).
Living in Dallas Cowgirl country I’ve had to live with their fans for decades so I also can take or leave pro football. There are lots of weekends I don’t watch a single game.
But I do love me some SEC Saturday whoop-ass, especially the Crimson Tide.