For Sale: Homemade stir Plate

One of my brew buddies just gave me a pro grade stir plate to thank me for the years and years of free beer he’s drank at my house.

So…I’m looking to sell my old home-made computer fan model.  Looking for $20+shipping or best offer.

Will post pics if requested.


Please post pics and how much to ship to Oregon? Any specs on the build of it as well. Thanks

Here you go:


As for shipping - prob going to be in the $5-$7 range - will do exact when I have a buyer.

Will send as cheap as possible.

Thanks - I am interested … can you tell me if it is at least a 80 mm or larger fan and does it come with the stir bar as well?

yes - its 80mm - Model AFB0812L

wasn’t planning on throwing in a stir bar, but could be convinced.

Sorry for the delay … Im interested so would you accept $25 for it all, shipping, stir bar, etc. or what is your need?