Force carbonating a 2.5 gallon keg

How should go about carbonating a 2.5 gallon keg? I need to get a wet hop beer to the person who gave me the hops before I go away for two weeks.  I assume that it is a shorter time frame than a 5 gallon keg and batch

Not any different from a 5 gallon keg. Get it cold and hook it up to gas. Can also utilize any of the “fast” carb methods.

I’m afraid I’ll over carbonate it. I am planning on putting it 35 psi for 8 hours or so. Afte that I’ll dial back to 12 psi.
My question  is really how much faster will the smaller 2.5 keg take compared to the 5 gallon batch and keg?

I use 2.5G kegs exclusively. If you connect to 11-12PSI the keg will be fully carbonated in 7-10 days easy.

Higher pressure will over carbonate a 2.5G keg faster than a 5G.  I don’t know exactly how how long it takes to carb at higher pressure,  but, I do know 30PSI for 24 hours over carbonated a keg for me in the past. I haven’t tried again. 7-10 days is always fast enough for me since I like at least a little conditioning time.

PS. Boost carbing probably takes half the time since you are delivering half as many CO2 molecules to achieve the same carbonation volume.

I’ll take the chance and put it on 30 psi overnight and then dial it back to 12 psi  for a few days. Hopefully it will be carbonated before I leave.

Why not put it at 20 instead?  Seems like russian roulette to go that high.

I have enough time to lower the psi a little. I play it a little on the safe side.

You probably won’t but even if you do it’s no big deal.  Just release some pressure.

In my experience it will be the same.

This ^^^^^^. Put it on 20 psi for 48 hrs, then drop to 10-12 for a day. Relieve pressure, set to serving psi, and drink.

+2.  Depending on what style I’m carbing, I generally go 20-30 psi for 48 hours, then set down @ serving pressure, which in my case is ~ 12 psi.

I am carbing to 2.4 units.