My old chest freezer croaked recently and I’m thinking of moving to a kegerator arrangement. I’d like one that is already set up for taps and can hold a couple of cornies and possibly some bottles. Do you have any recommendations? Thanks!
I have experience with two: Vissani and Danby. Both are in the entry level category. Stay away from the Vissani. The Danby is OK.
I got both of them used on Craigslist. As I recall they were $150-200 each. I’ve had them for 3 years and they both still work. I use the Vissani as a fermentation chamber and the Danby as a kegerator.
If that’s what you’re wanting, I’d say just get a used fridge off Craigslist, drill holes for taps, and use the freezer compartment for hops. It’s multipurpose and you don’t need a temp controller. That’ll be my ultimate kegerator. Right now, I have a chest freezer with a sweet collar on it and use the compressor hump for cold crashing carboys. I like it too, but the fridge setup is what I’m really wanting someday.
I would also just go with the used fridge suggestion and put some taps through the door. Usually, a fridge can hold 4 ball locks (5 if you smash them in), but it should have plenty of space for bottles and 2 cornies. Then you also get extra freezer space! 8)
Right now, I have a chest freezer with a solid birch collar, Love controller and shiny SS hardware on it, but I gotta say, lifting full cornies into and out of it leaves a bit to be desired. I have to get Myles to help me lift new kegs in most of the time. (Woman problems.)
I think the only options for pre-built are the small fridge with tower style kegerators that Danby and other manufacturers make. I don’t know much about the brands, but they are sold with up to three taps on the tower. Here are some - I’m not sure if price indicates quality.
I’ve noticed the interior dimensions vary, some may not hold multiple smaller kegs as easily. They tend to be expensive, but look very nice. Other than those, we’re stuck with building something. There are small wine refridgerators that will fit 2 kegs after removing the shelves.
Edit: I noticed that if you click on one of those kegerators (I opened a Haier model) there is a table showing how many kegs of different styles each model holds.
I also would recommend the craigslist route, unless you are like me, who went the craigslist route and the fridge you bought to convert remained a fridge for years before you eventually just bought a kegerator. I bought a danby chillntap from Costco and replaced the tower with a two perlick tap tower. I use a Johnson controller for temperature control. I have fit two cornies, some mason jars of washed yeast, and some six packs stacked on each other. It was relatively cheap, under 550 for the danby and the taps and tower. Its only been 4 months but so far I am happy with it and my fridge that was to be converted is now my fermentation chamber. My wife is also happy because she will always have an IPA on a real tap(not picnic) and I agreed to get rid of one of the miscellaneous refrigerators I have in our garage. Everyone wins!
I actually looked at the kegerator at Costco, but thought the tap tower looked sketchy. I had another person recommend Perlick taps, so Delo’s set-up sounds like a good way to go.
One reason I don’t want to get another chest freezer is because lifting kegs and especially carboys into it was a two-person job with step ladders; not the safest scenario, that’s for sure. As Amanda put it, woman problem.
I built mine with a Kenmore 4.5cf from Home Despot and guts from Beverage Factory. I like it, but my next one will be a chest on wheels that will roll under a custom bar. I’d like 4 taps, room for 6 cornys, and big enough bar for four seats