Brewed my first IPA today. It went pretty well! How long should this ferment total? Hiw long should I wait to add my dry hops?
With 1056 heavy fermentation action will likely finish in 3-4 days (maybe a day or 2 longer for big beers). I leave everything in the fermenter 2 weeks for good measure. No secondary.
You can add your dry hops when the krausen falls and you’re near terminal gravity.
Awesome Thanks!
I prefer to rack to secondary before dry hopping to avoid potential problems with the hops being on the yeast.
I follow something similar to this dry hopping schedule:
I don’t always do the multiple keg transfers though. The dry hopping technique is below the recipe.
I’ve been fermenting in the primary for 5 days → racking to secondary → then dry hopping for 5 days and have been happy with the results.
Lately i have been dry hopping with a small amount of active fermentation still going on.
You might want to consider trying fermenting a batch all the way out with no secondary. There are lots of threads here on this site (and other sites) why secondary is pretty much old school habit proven not necessary, particularly if you are racking only after 5 days.
You’ll get a cleaner beer by letting it go for 2 or even 3 whole weeks then packaging. No worries of autolysis, etc.