Frozen beer?

Currently have three kegs in my kegerator and noticed one was pouring foamy? It’s the one in the farthest back with the lowest abv.  I checked my temperature and it was 30 and there was ice on the outside of the keg. Knocked on it and it seems like it’s partially frozen. Still tastes fine even though it’s foamy. Decreasing the temperature of course To thaw, but I’ve never frozen or partially frozen beer before? Has this happen to anyone and will it affect the flavor from here on out?

Under the ice, the alcohol will be a bit more concentrated in the unfrozen beer, but as it melts, it should dilute it back down.  Depending on how much you drink while it is frozen on top, it should be little difference if quickly thawed.  Let us know!  Some guys make eisbock with this technique, racking the concentrate off as the ice forms.

To second ynotbrusm’s experience, I’ve had frozen kegs before, and they end up just fine after thawing. I think there may be a slight haze that results in some beers, but it will be pretty minor. You may want to agitate the keg gently after it’s thawed, in case there was separation of the light vs. heavy parts of the frozen beer…

Just tell your friends you gave it an intense cold crash. They won’t notice the difference.

I once froze a keg almost solid.  Soaked it in the tub overnight.  After a few days on gas it was fine.

So really weird, I thawed the beer and then put it back in the kegerator. It tasted flat, so I hooked it back up to CO2 at my normal level. But over the last two weeks it is not carbonated at all. I switched the CO2 lines. Still pretty flat.  My other beer that I carbonate from the same tank is perfectly carbed but this beer now won’t seem to carbonate to an appropriate level and I can’t understand why?
Any thoughts?

Chunk of ice blocking the gas-in line/poppet/dip tube?