Funny Beer Commercials

Hey guys,

I was strolling around youtube the other night and I stumbled across a funny beer commercial. I thought, well, there has to be more! So I put together a list of 10 that I thought were the funniest. I’d love to hear your take or if you know of any others.


10 Funny Beer Commercials

Those were all pretty good.  The first one, the Guinness one, I just don’t think that’s good enough to be number 1, even though it has a naked chick with the beer on her back…I don’t quite get it.
As much as I don’t like bud light they always have hilarious commercials.  I thought the swear jar one was the funniest.  And the Carlton Draught commercial was pretty darned clever. 
“Sausages!  Sausages!”  LOL

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

There’s about twenty things I could say here…but I’d probably get booted from the forum.

I always like the Rock,Paper Scissors commercial and the two chicks wrestling in the water fountain ( Tastes Great…Less Filling ).  Their beer tastes like crap, but the certainly do have the advertising dollars.

The Australian one was the best IMO.
Great ads, all of them.

I can’t believe this one was left out.

I laugh every time…

LOL that was quite funny.  I love the look on his face just before he turns to keep walking right before the end.

Here are a few of my favorites…


Bad beer does know how to advertise, that’s one thing I’ll give them…

Auchtermuchty!  Wear the fox hat!