How many tickets can I buy for the member day? I know it is limited.
last year I bought 4, is that still the number?
I think everyone is online waiting to get tickets right now. no answers… well me too just waiting all longed in and ready
From the GABF Ticket FAQ page
What is the ticket limit?
For the General Sessions there is a limit of six tickets per session per ticket buyer. Individuals with greater than six tickets per session per ticket buyer will have their overage canceled and refunded.
For the Members Only Session, the ticket limit 2 tickets per member number. American Homebrewers Association and Brewers Association members will receive a pass code via email to purchase tickets for this session.
thank you, I got my 2 tickets for Saturday.
Bah, two years in a row now I have missed this. All I got was an email from the AHA that my member pre-sale code was emailed to me the morning of the 25th, but no such email can be found in my inbox or spam folder. :-[
Shoot me an email with your AHA member # and full name and I can look it up. Once verified, I can send you a new code.