I’m taking an indefinite hiatus from brewing. I have so much going on and I won’t have time to brew for long enough that I’m just going to take a break indefinitely.
As a result I’m getting rid of my gear. The list is shown below. Prices are fair and below what you’d get them for new. I’ll do my best to keep shipping as low as I can. The system is setup right now for a 3 gallon kettle but I also have a 4 gallon. The system is functional as a single vessel Low Oxygen system but will likely be too small for most if you. I’m wiling to sell as a complete system.
Cereal Killer mill with hopper and base - $85
Waring Pro SB30 Burner with temp cutoff bypassed - $30
Raspberry Pi 3b, SD Card (with OS), RPi case, hookup wires - $50
5 one wire sensors, 2 mounted with removable cam locks - $35
3 gal kettle - $5
4 gal kettle - $7.50
9" False Bottom - $25
4 bags Oxygen caps (Red, Yellow, Blue, White) - $15
Red Capper - $12
25’ SS Chiller - $30
Female Cams - $2.50 each
Male Cams - $2.50 each
12v solar pump with cam lock fittings and power supply - $20
Camlocks with 3/8" barbs - $3.50 each
Grains - $1 p/lb
1/2" ball valve - $5
Locknuts and orings - $1.50 each (each locknut with an oring
Elbows - $1.50 each
Refractometer - $15
Colorphast strips - ~30 for $5
pH Meter (pen type with buffers) - $20
Tees - $2 each
Cam lock caps - $3 each
TC to male NPT - $5 each (each comes with 2 gaskets)
TC clamps - $5 each
Locline circle flow kit - $15
Gram scale - $5
Hydrometer - $7
Thermowell - $5
Whirlpool inlet with compression fitting - $9